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Presidio Components San Diego Plant

DLA Drawing 87106 SMPS Capacitors (obsolete)
Replaced by mil-prf-49470
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Performance Characteristics

Operating Temperature Range: -55°C to +125°C.

Electric Characteristics: Rated Voltage. See part numbers table, for details.

Capacitance (+25°C): 1 kHz at +25°C. Measured in accordance with Method 305 of MIL-STD-202.

Dissipation Factor (+25°C): 2.5%, max. Measured under the same conditions as capacitance.

Temperature Coefficient:

DLA Drawing

Bias = 0 Volt Bias = Rated Voltage Char.

MIL-PRF-49470 50 WVDC & 100 WVDC

+15% +15%, -25% BX

MIL-PRF-49470 200 WVDC

+15% +15%, -40% BR

MIL-PRF-49470 500 WVDC

+15% +15%, -50% BQ

Insulation Resistance:
At +25°C, rated voltage: 100,000 Megohms or 1,000 Megohms-µF, whichever is less.
At +125°C, rated voltage: 10,000 Megohms or 100 Megohms-µF, whichever is less.

Dielectric Withstanding Voltage: 2.5 times rated voltage, except 500V rated parts at 1.5 times rated voltage.

Capacitance Tolerance: K = ±10%, M = ±20%.

Thermal Shock and Voltage Conditioning: MIL-PRF-49470

Solderability, Vibration (high frequency), Immersion, Shock (specified pulse), Moisture Resistance, Resistance to Soldering Heat, and Resistance to Solvents: In accordance with MIL-PRF-49470. These tests are performed periodically to verify compliance.

Life: When tested in accordance with Mil-STD-202 Method 208 for 1000 hours parts shall meet the requirements of MIL-PRF-49470. This test is performed periodically to verify compliance.

Marking: In accordance with MIL-STD-1285, except the part number shall contain the manufacturer's name or code and date code minimum, except case sizes 4 and 5 shall be marked with coded cap and tolerance minimum. Full marking shall be included on the package.


Presidio Part Numbers

(Max.) 1
(Max.) 1
±10% ±20% ±10% ±20% ±10% ±20% ±10% ±20%
(µF) 50V (µF) 100V
1.0 001 002 241 242 5 .120 0.68 059 060 305 306 5 .240
1.2 003 004 243 244 5 .120 0.82 057 058 303 304 5 .240
1.5 005 006 245 246 5 .240 1.0 059 060 305 306 5 .240
1.8 007 008 247 248 5 .240 1.2 061 062 307 308 5 .240
2.2 009 010 249 250 5 .240 1.5 063 064 309 310 5 .360
2.7 011 012 251 252 5 .360 1.8 065 066 311 312 5 .360
3.3 013 014 253 254 5 .360 2.2 067 068 313 314 5 .480
3.9 015 016 255 256 5 .480 2.7 069 070 315 316 5 .480
4.7 017 018 257 258 5 .480 3.3 071 072 317 318 5 .650
5.6 019 020 259 260 5 .650 3.9 073 074 319 320 4 .360
6.8 223 224 261 262 4 .360 4.7 075 076 321 322 4 .360
8.2 021 022 263 264 4 .360 5.6 077 078 323 324 4 .480
10 023 024 265 266 4 .480 6.8 079 080 325 326 4 .480
12 025 026 267 268 4 .480 8.2 081 082 327 328 4 .650
15 027 028 269 270 4 .650 10 229 230 329 330 3 .240
18 029 030 271 272 3 .240 12 083 084 331 332 3 .240
22 031 032 273 274 3 .360 15 085 086 333 334 3 .360
27 033 034 275 276 3 .360 18 087 088 335 336 3 .360
33 035 036 277 278 3 .360 22 089 090 337 338 3 .480
39 037 038 279 280 3 .480 27 091 092 339 340 3 .650
47 039 040 281 282 3 .650 33 093 094 341 342 1 .360
56 225 226 283 284 1 .360 39 095 096 343 344 1 .360
68 041 042 285 286 1 .480 47 097 098 345 346 1 .480
82 043 044 287 288 1 .480 56 099 100 347 348 1 .650
100 045 046 289 290 1 .360 68 101 102 349 350 2 .480
120 227 228 291 292 2 .480 82 103 104 351 352 2 .650
150 047 048 293 294 2 .650


1. All dimensions are in inches. A and B dimensions are maximum stack. See Cap Dimensions below.

(Max.) 1
(Max.) 1
±10% ±20% ±10% ±20% ±10% ±20% ±10% ±20%
(µF) 200V (µF) 500V
.47 113 114 361 362 5 .240 .15 173 174 421 422 5 .120
.56 115 116 363 364 5 .240 .18 175 176 423 424 5 .240
.68 117 118 365 366 5 .360 .22 177 178 425 426 5 .240
.82 119 120 367 368 5 .360 .27 179 180 427 428 5 .240
1 121 122 369 370 5 .480 .33 181 182 429 430 5 .360
1.2 123 124 371 372 5 .480 .39 183 184 431 432 5 .360
1.5 125 126 373 374 5 .650 .47 185 186 433 434 5 .360
1.8 127 128 375 376 4 .360 .56 187 188 435 436 5 .480
2.2 129 130 377 378 4 .360 .68 189 190 437 438 5 .650
2.7 131 132 379 380 4 .480 .82 231 232 439 440 4 .360
3.3 133 134 381 382 4 .480 1 191 192 441 442 4 .360
3.9 135 136 383 384 4 .650 1.2 193 194 443 444 4 .360
4.7 137 138 385 386 3 .240 1.5 195 196 445 446 4 .480
5.6 139 140 387 388 3 .240 1.8 197 198 447 448 4 .650
6.8 141 142 389 390 3 .360 2.2 233 234 449 450 3 .240
8.2 143 144 391 392 3 .360 2.7 199 200 451 452 3 .360
10 145 146 393 394 3 .480 3.3 201 202 453 454 3 .360
12 147 148 395 396 3 .650 3.9 203 204 455 456 3 .360
15 149 150 397 398 1 .360 4.7 205 206 457 458 3 .480
18 151 152 399 400 1 .480 5.6 207 208 459 460 3 .650
22 153 154 401 402 1 .650 6.8 235 236 461 462 1 .480
27 155 156 403 404 1 .650 8.2 209 210 463 464 1 .480
33 157 158 405 406 2 .480 10 211 212 465 466 1 .480
39 159 160 407 408 2 .650 12 213 214 467 468 1 .650
15 237 238 469 470 2 .650
18 215 216 471 472 2 .650


1. All dimensions are in inches. A and B dimensions are maximum stack. See Cap Dimensions below.



A (Max.)2 B (Max.)2 C (±.025) D (±.025) E (Max.)
1 .650 .715 .450 2.050 .500 20
2 .650 .715 .800 1.510 .870 15
3 .650 .715 .450 1.050 .500 10
4 .650 .715 .400 .400 .440 4
5 .650 .715 .250 .250 .300 3


1. All dimensions are in inches.

2. A and B dimensions are maximum stack. See Cap Dimensions below.

3. "N" through-hole straight leads; "J" leads bent under device.

N Style Leads

J Style Leads




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Presidio Components, Inc., has been an industry leader in the manufacture of ceramic capacitors since 1980. We provide high quality commercial capacitors, military capacitors, space capacitors, high temperature capacitors, pulse energy capacitors for EFI detonators, microwave capacitors and RF capacitors, as well as custom capacitors. Our custom products include nonstandard part sizes and voltages, including high voltage, high temperature, high "Q", custom leads, cryogenic ceramics, negative and positive temperature characteristic ceramics and piezoelectric formulations. We have a series of patented microwave and radio frequency products including patented single layer and broadband DC blocking caps. Call Presidio at (858) 578-9390
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